Hearty-lentil-stew -- jolly delicious. Someone suggested a slow cooker and yesterday I went off in search of just such a thing. I came home with a Kenwood Mijoteur. All I had to do this morning was place the ingredients in the crock, adjust the cooking time electronically, and set the contraption on the bedroom floor. VoilĂ , nine hours later after some intensive hard labour, we can feast. Of course, your local friends also spoil you with supper invitations! Bassett update: she had the long walk as promised.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
how and what to eat when you have no kitchen
Hearty-lentil-stew -- jolly delicious. Someone suggested a slow cooker and yesterday I went off in search of just such a thing. I came home with a Kenwood Mijoteur. All I had to do this morning was place the ingredients in the crock, adjust the cooking time electronically, and set the contraption on the bedroom floor. VoilĂ , nine hours later after some intensive hard labour, we can feast. Of course, your local friends also spoil you with supper invitations! Bassett update: she had the long walk as promised.