You can’t think underground sewer without thinking history, right? On the left see a corner in the cellar, just so that you understand our fear of SSO. Bear with me while I tackle the history aspect first before I attend to the SSO aspect.
The main cause of SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) usually stems from serious rainfall or a sewer line blockage. In our case it is because we live downstream from four restaurants, where food solids end up in the municipal sanitary sewer and this sewer is blocked by said debris. “The combined flow of wastewater and stormwater can exceed the capacity of the sewer system ….This circumstance is most prevalent in older cities whose subsurface infrastructure is quite old.” Nivelles is rather old. We know the sewer and our house are about 300 years old, or older in the case of the sewer. Who knows what iron age artifacts lurk there, adding to the debris?
The pictures below show two men struggling with SSO, one in India and one in Nivelles.