After looking at the pictures of our new windows and seeing what the view would be like, a friend of mine said that she did not feel the view would be any good, over-looking as it does our courtyard, our garage, other courtyards and roofs and sloping add-ons of the neighbours… It is indeed hardly a room with a view. Living in a cramped downtown medieval village, developed over 600 years could hardly provide a view. A view? How about an Italian landscape? A view of the mountains, a lazy river, glorious summer fields, an African savanna? The vision has to be within, there where the sky is always blue, within. Besides all that, there is only one perfect view and that is the one over our heads.
Our new windows would provide light, mere light. It is essential to escape from the darkness of winter, the darkness of the static life behind the temporary building partitions, to escape from the constant darkness of a Belgian winter.Today the sun shines and I can taste the future.