Guests have been visiting from afar, from downunder, outwest and from Paris. So even if the place resembles a chaotic tool bazaar, we seem to be reasonably gracious hosts. Well, either that or the friends are more than diplomatic. One false step on the top landing caused a huge leaping crash, guest and laptop both went flying.

Yesterday on Father's Day, the resident father cut through an old 16 cm concrete wall to
start creating the new layout for the courtyard.This reinvention of the courtyard will need at least another 20 weeks at this rate.
When I think of the new guests arriving in a few weeks' time; I find my teeth gripping my tongue and sweat beading my forehead. SO I bake herb bread and guzzle thick slices with Leccino Olive Oil from the foot of Africa.

Today, Whit Monday, the hound needs a walk and the slow-cooker will do the necessary. Black-eyed peas, chillies, tomatoes, onion, garlic, green peppers and celery.... By the time I get back from the walk, another 15 cm of the courtyard may have been designed.