ex·ag·ger·ate (
v. ex·ag·ger·at·ed, ex·ag·ger·at·ing, ex·ag·ger·ates
1. To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate: exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the episode.
2. To enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree: thick lenses that exaggerated the size of her eyes.
To make overstatements.
I must have represented yesterday's problems greater than was actually the case, because today I heard from several concerned friends. The miserable red painting simply meant I was losing my cool. You should all know me by now; I tend to enlarge things. Anyway, I now feel guilty. So, to assure you that we are moving on and coping, here is a picture of what I found this evening when I came home. The glass bricks seperating the stairwell from the kitchen, have been roughed in!